Life is usually the name of running, running and running. We always run throughout our life, behind? Behind an undefined and undecided goal? Behind such things that can never let us feel satisfied? It is human tendency that whatever we get in life usually seems negligible and goes without care.We strive for more and more. This brings a sense of robots to us than the feeling of the humans.

Everyone wants to live life. But ends up in criticizing it by blaming it as”tiery”. Oh really! Life is tiery till we keep on moving without any clear goal. Just criticizing it, doesn’t work. If you want to live life, live life.

Wake up. Feel the warmth of sun rays. Coldness of air. Beauty of greenry. Beauty of nature. Check out height of peaks. Depth of sea. Enjoy each moment. Live the journey, not just pass it. The time you start taking life at ease, living each moment to the fullest, you will realize how beautiful life is. Beauty of life has to be cherished and enhanced, not to be criticised.

There are many stories you can read about life. Everyone has his own say. Everyone has its own way of looking life. Everyone have different attitudes towards life. But each will agree to the point that the ultimate goal of life is to have an optimistic approach towards life. Say positive, stay positive.

Life has to be understood as a joyful journey which has criss cross ways. You have to move up and down on a roller coaster ride. You can smile, laugh out loud with some proportion of tears. Smiling and laughing help you to rejoice life and extend it more. Tears, on the same time, helps you to clean your eyes and get a more HD quality of journey.

So, just don’t pass life by doing things you have little interest on. Instead put your efforts to complete your journey of life successfully facing each obstacle very calmly. Emerge as a winner by rightfully understanding the path. Life live to the fullest such that it’s not you that remembers that moment but it’s the moment that remembers you……